Project ideas
Project proposals
Aurora Upgraded (KA1)
Contact name: Eva Svobodova (
Partner: Sigríður Ólafsdóttir (
Seeking partners: No
Via KA1 mobility project to introduced to my students a far-away country, the living surroundings of the local people, conditions for tourism development. Mutual cross-cultural communication may help to make the arrival of incoming tourists easier. Partly we expect that the local staff in the country without any hotel school will learn from the Czech trainees and trainers (both students and teachers from my school)
The management of Hostelling International is expected to be my partner. They will provide the info kit for the arriving students, emplacement in local hostels and needed supervision and after the working mission the final feedback. Smooth cooperation between the hostel management and teachers (VET teachers and language teachers) is a must.
- to establish cooperation
- to promote VET skills
- to upgrade the level of services in hospitality and tourism in Iceland
- to improve the potential for the expected increase in Icelandic tourism
- Step 1 applying for KA1 successfully (but who knows?)
- Step 2 sending students on mobility to Icelandic hostels
- Step 3 monitoring students job emplacement
- Step 4 feedback report
- Step 5 dissemination (school web page, NA report, info in local newspapers, PPT)
- Step 6 applying for KA1 again
Work Based Learning in Cultural Institutions (KA2)
Contact name: Lidia Kozieł-Siudut (, Marlous Mens-Vos (
Seeking partners: Yes, high schools, universities, Cultural organizations
According to the research studies carried out from 2011 to 2013 by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) the cultural sector is emerging as an important part of a national economy and globally. The role of cultural employment in national economies and the contribution of culture to economic and social development has a growing tendency.
Skilled workers in this sector will be needed more and more. To become a skilled worker a period of work based learning is a necessity.
There is not much cooperation between schools/universities and cultural institution regarding the proper training of the future work force. As a result young people start to work in the cultural sector being only partly prepared for the future challenges. Even where the placements are an obligatory part of study curricula quite often the cultural organization have no mentoring standards or training programs so the trainees end up with doing photocopies or ordering the database.
- Educational institutions (VET, universities)
- Cultural institutions (museums, galleries, other)
- Experts in organizing of work based training
Beneficiaries/participants of project
- Students in the age 16-26 who aim to work in the cultural sector in the future. In this project it is planned to concentrate on departments like PR, front office, event/exhibition organization, fundraising and may involve departments strictly connected with the museum work i.e. art conservation laboratories.
- Museum staff, teachers at schools/universities, mentors, trainers, experts in field of education
Thanks to the cross-sectoral transfer of knowledge a training plan/method for different departments of cultural institutions will be developed enabling cultural institutions to design and governance a quality training for both local and international students, which will be of benefit for the learning youth and for the training institutions at the same time.
The training method will improve the quality of work based learning in cultural institutions.
Modern and universal educational materials that would be a best practice will be developed which can possibly be adapted to the training needs of cultural institutions in different countries.
Apart from the usual Internet promotion the project results will be disseminated through carrier centers of the universities and VET organizations in partner countries.
In order to disseminate the project results, an international conference that include training workshops for the representatives of museum's human resources departments will be organized .
Better preparation of students for the labor market and later studies (which skills are really necessary?) (KA2)
Contact name: Rainer Kattge (
Partners: Rafael Pérez Dási ( and Alison Ward (
Seeking partners: No
The project is based on the need for providing high school students with a set of skills to connect them with the real world of job market – either as applicants or as entrepreneurs; either for vocational students or students who want to pursue a post-secondary education.
The above need is even more relevant when youth unemployment rates are very high in the EU and many schools don't have a structured transversal program to provide students with ‘job literacy': about both where profiling the students and profiling the market are concerned.
Furthermore there is a high rate of college and university dropout. One reason seems to be an insufficient preparation of the students at school to face the requirements of an academic studies.
The same experiences are made with school dropouts: It seems to be the perception of an insufficient preparation of the students at school to face the actual reality of finding a job, building a career or building their own future as entrepreneurs.
Transnational cooperation in this field is strongly needed in the broader Schengen job market.
Collaboration between the involved schools with their regional partners:
- companies
- universities
- chambers of commerce
- employment agencies
- local authorities
as well as alumnies and young employees with their practical experiences
Beneficiaries will be the students participating in the project as well as all other students from the involved schools and other interested schools as well as all groups which are interested in a lower unemployment rate and less dropouts.
- Reduction of youth unemployment in Europe
- Reduction of skills shortage in some European countries- Promotion of more transnational mobility to increase the employment opportunities
- “Win-win situation”: Some Countries have a high rate of youth-unemployment, other countries are looking for trainees and apprentices
- Analysis of student`s lacks of skills in collaboration with the involved institutions mentioned above
- Direct contacts between students and the above mentioned institutions
- Gaining concrete experience in direct contacts with the above mentioned institutions in other countries
In the end there will more and authentic information about the necessary skills for the labor market and studies
(Further) Education for New Energy Technologies E-NET (KA2)
Contact name: Christine Schmidt (
Partners: Arturo Fernández Villamandos (, Stineke Boerma (, Marta Gebala (, Ingibjörg Rögnvaldsdottir (, Gregor Cerinsek (, Martina Kramaric ( (Possibly, but not clear at the moment:', ' and
Seeking partners: No
This idea based on the Europe 2020 strategy. It should organize a smart growth in each member state through more effective investments in education, research and innovation, including the sustainable development strategy and focusing on job creation and poverty reduction. The strategy is focused on five ambitious goals in the areas of employment, innovation, education, poverty reduction and climate/energy.
At the moment there is a big gap between the ongoing fast global changes and within in the EU society, the effects of climate change, very fast growing technology developments, the needed competences in the companies and the existing curricula in EU-VET schools within the member states. That is why the project idea focuses on - (renewable) energy technologies as a fast growing sector, with lots of new knowledge and competences needed in the companies.- facing climate change as a main driving motivation and the sustainable development as the main future strategy- to bridge the gap and to raise the opportunities of youngsters and employees- to bring the awareness of the youngsters into the companies and economy- to inspire the heads of the VET institutions with future technologies, like e-mobility and smart grids as part of smart cities, served with renewable energies There are many successful projects in the EU energy technology sector. But what is missed is a kind of a system to organize the common further education in this field.
This project needs a wide range of different partners, with experiences in the field of energy technologies and specific competences to fulfil the described demands. Luckily the contact seminar brought this variety of partner organizations together:
One leading project in the cluster energy technologies in Germany is the “Further Education System of Energy Technologies”, developed and organized at IBBF in Berlin. IBBF can deliver the experiences how to build such a kind of a system to other EU countries as well as the already existing standard about the way of developing learning modules about specific topics and also successful tested learning modules.
The partner could be a technical college, working with the same topic to exchange modules and work together on new learning module (like Noorderpoort College in Netherland and Technical College Reykjavík in Iceland)A social partner in another country could organize the installation of a further education system on energy technologies (like bbw organizes in Poland), especially for the further education of employees of the companies. A community or a training center in another country could test existing modules with participants (apprentices, employees, students, unemployed persons) about a topic like e-mobilty in Spain, which is not well common there (like Asociación de Prensa de La Rioja in Spain).Experts should compere the technical standards, symbols, vocabulary and describe it in an overview (all together).One partner with experiences in creating web portals should prepare the common platform for the project and its public relation (like the Technical University in Slovenia).
Set impulses to prepare the transfer of the existing German system of further education on energy technologies to other European countries. transfer new formats and innovative learning modules to inspire young people and their teacher and trainer in VET and further education to address knowledge and give an overview in the paradigm shift from oil to E-Mobility. gain a common sense of fitting ways to involve future strategies into VET and fix the professional vocabulary about specific topics in the cluster to prepare the future common system on (further) education on energy technologies
Meetings in each project partner country will be organized curricula, learning modules and -methods in the same fields.create through common work a strategic partnership as a basis for a future common system of further education on energy already existing examples of good practice in the cluster energy technologies, especially topics like renewable energies, e-mobility and their involvement in the strategy of future smart cities .built a web portal to exchange those materials and show the aims of the projects as well as the progress.spread out this idea and project results to a broader public through a congress
Contact: Trif Monica (
Partners: Christine Schmidt (, Andreea Cojocaru (, Finn Henrik Petterson (
Seeking partners: Yes. Companies where students are trained. The country is not important
The high number of drop-outs in VET education in EU and in Romania.The high costs caused to the whole society by the drop-outs.
VET schools, Research Institutes, companies, stakeholders.The beneficiaries will be the students and the teachers from VET schools and the companies where students do their training.
A new VET model for the “odd” onesA transferable strategy to prevent dropoutA new career counseling approachA platform for potential dropoutsTrainings for teachers, councilors, students
Research at partener level and stakeholdersDesign a common model for improving the students' skills (a strategy)Mobilities to test out the strategy and its implementation (career counseling in order to specialize them in the field of VET)Trainings for improving specialized language skillsMore attractive trainings
Project ideas
- Project 1 - Further Education on Energy Technologies - Part 1 - Both parts
- Project 2 - Hospis - Hospitality training system - Both parts
- Project 3 - Integration of language learning (industrial trades) - Part 1 - Both parts
- Project 4 - To combine school based learning with work based learning in a good way... - Both parts
- Project 5 - Cooperate with teachers, working with pupils with asperger syndrome,... - Part 1 - Both parts
- Project 6 - Design and governance of workplace learning in the sector of culture - Pages 1&2 - Pages 2&3
- Project 7 - Mobility - Best practice companies - Part 1 - Both parts
- Project 9 - Supporting learners from traditional learning cultures to meet... - Part 1 - Both parts
- Project 10 - Train the trainers! - Both parts
- Project 12 - Improving transission between school and working life - Part 1
- Project 13 - Attractiveness of VET - Both parts
- Project 15 - Develop and evaluate training programme in the fields of composite manufacturing - Part 1 - Both parts
- Project 16 - Develop work based learning and enhance students employability - Part 1 - Both parts
- Project 17 - ...standards etc. for WBL providers incl. international aspect - Part 1 - Both parts
- Project 18 - Everydaystories/Quality in life - Page 1&2 - Page 3