Inclusion in Erasmus+

Inclusion means providing individuals, who would otherwise be excluded or marginalised, with equal opportunities and resources for active participation in society. 

Inclusion is one of the main priorities of the Erasmus+ programme and one of its goals is to ensure equal opportunities for participation.

Erasmus+ supports projects that promote inclusion and diversity in society. With this goal in mind, the program offers additional financial support for equal participation in projects abroad and locally. That support can e.g. consists in compensating the cost of travel and accommodation for professionals such as accompanying persons, occupational/developmental therapists, psychologists, interpreters, etc., as well as compensating the travel costs of those who live far from international airports.

On the application forms, these grants are called Inclusion Support and Exceptional Costs.

In the Erasmus+ handbook, the following points are mentioned as reasons that could justify increased support for participants. This list is not exhaustive but provides a certain standard to facilitate everyone's participation in the program.


This includes physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder someone’s full and effective participation in society on the same footing as others.

Health problems

Barriers may result from health issues including severe illnesses, chronic diseases, or any other physical or mental health-related situation that prevents from participating in the programmes.

Barriers linked to education and training systems

Individuals struggling to perform in education and training systems for various reasons, early leavers from education and training, NEETs (people not in education, employment or training) and low-skilled adults may face barriers. Although other factors may play a role, these educational difficulties, while they may also be linked to personal circumstances, mostly result from an educational system which creates structural limitations and/or does not fully take into account the individual’s particular needs. Individuals can also face barriers to participation when the structure of curricula makes it difficult to undertake a learning or training mobility abroad as part of their studies. 

Cultural differences

While cultural differences may be perceived as barriers by people from any backgrounds, they can particularly affect people with fewer opportunities. Such differences may represent significant barriers to learning in general, all the more for people with a migrant or refugee background – especially newly-arrived migrants -, people belonging to a national or ethnic minority, sign language users, people with linguistic adaptation and cultural inclusion difficulties, etc. Being exposed to foreign languages and cultural differences when taking part in any kind of programme activities may put off individuals and somehow limit the benefits from their participation. Such cultural differences may even prevent potential participants from applying for support through the programmes, thereby representing an entry barrier altogether.

Social barriers

Social adjustment difficulties such as limited social competences, anti-social or high-risk behaviours, (former) offenders, (former) drug or alcohol abusers, or social marginalisation may represent a barrier. Other social barriers can stem from family circumstances, for instance being the first in the family to access higher education or being a parent (especially a single parent), a caregiver, a breadwinner or an orphan, or having lived or currently living in institutional care. 

Economic barriers

Economic disadvantage like a low standard of living, low income, learners who need to work to support themselves, dependence on the social welfare system, in long-term unemployment, precarious situations or poverty, being homeless, in debt or with financial problems, etc., may represent a barrier. Other difficulties may derive from the limited transferability of services (in particular support to people with fewer opportunities) that needs to be "mobile" together with the participants when going to a far place or, all the more, abroad.

Barriers linked to discrimination

Barriers can occur as a result of discriminations linked to gender (gender identity, gender expression, etc.), age, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, disability, or intersectional factors (a combination of one or several of the mentioned discrimination barriers). 

Geographical obstacles

Living in remote or rural areas, on small islands or in peripheral/outermost regions, in urban suburbs, in less serviced areas (limited public transport, poor facilities) or less developed areas in third countries, etc., may constitute a barrier.

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