The Inclusion and Diversity Strategy of the Icelandic Erasmus+ National Agency

Inclusion should be a constant and consistent theme pursued by the Erasmus+ National Agency. The strategy of the NA aims to see a measurable increase in emphasis on inclusion in a diverse group of participants and in the number of inclusion projects in five years' time. 

The NA aims to raise awareness among beneficiaries of the importance of inclusion and diversity in their work and to identify grant opportunities to facilitate participation in Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps. 

The strategy and action plan shall be updated by the inclusion team on an annual basis. The strategy shall be reviewed every two years and updated as necessary. The inclusion team consists of an Inclusion and Diversity Officer (I&D Officer) and an inclusion team. It is desirable for the I&D team to be composed of staff from different sectors of the NA.

Activities of the Icelandic Centre for Research
The objective of the Erasmus+ National Agency's inclusion and diversity strategy is to have a positive influence on the general work of the Rannís provided that Rannís's human resources policy and gender equality policy account for inclusion and diversity. Regular and effective inclusion training shall be encouraged with appropriate educators. Such training shall be offered to all staff of the Rannís.

Promotional Materials
Promotional materials and texts should be inclusive. All material on the NA's website should be accessible according to technical solutions at any given time. Content is updated as appropriate. Many people are unaware of the opportunities offered by Erasmus+ and ESC. The NA should be fully aware of this. The NA shall present the opportunities to project coordinators on one hand and participants on the other. It is not certain that individuals who face obstacles in society will take part in general presentations about Erasmus+, and therefore the NA must actively attempt to reach these groups through other means as appropriate. Each year of the ongoing period, emphasis will be placed on reaching out to one of the focus groups of the NA by specifically raising projects affecting that group and by engaging in an active dialogue with organisations working with that group. Promotion of the programmes should also be considered in a broader context, such as reaching out to parents of young people who could support their children in taking the first steps.
Attention should be given to the benefits of inclusion projects in order to encourage the implementation of more such projects and to raise awareness of inclusion in society in general.

In communication, staff shall keep in mind how they address the person with whom they are speaking, in regard to gender and language. Staff respond in the language used by the person unless otherwise requested. An individual's gender or language skills shall not be assumed from their names. Employees are encouraged to register personal pronouns they choose to use in email signatures. This should be done to show that a person's gender should not be assumed solely by their names and in the process recognising a person's right to self-definition. 

Accessibility Issues
Regular assessment on accessibility issues at the offices of Rannís shall be encouraged on a regular basis, e.g. as regards to access between floors, meeting rooms, eating areas and restrooms. Restroom facilities should also have gender neutral labelling. Accessibility shall be ensured at the events of the NA using the checklist in ANNEX II.

Support for Beneficiaries
The NA shall support project coordinators in relaying information to target groups. The NA should hold seminars and workshops to improve project coordinator's knowledge and understanding of inclusion projects. Project coordinators are made aware that in order for projects to be considered inclusive, the inclusion and active participation of project participants, must be demonstrated both in design and implementation of the project (see ANNEX III for details). Project coordinators shall be reminded that inclusion should be a red thread in all projects.
The NA shall offer training for application assessors, in order to increase understanding of inclusion projects. Project coordinators should be encouraged and guided to ensure accessibility in programme-funded projects and events.

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